Is Confidence Coaching for me?

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...wait. What even is that? 

Most people don’t go through life waking up each morning wondering how many scoops of confidence they should put in their smoothie that day. 
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Our self-confidence is woven throughout our life as far back

 as when we took our very first steps.

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And since that moment, it has continued to be the
lens through which we see our potential.
Improving your self-confidence requires more than learning mantras you can recite on the way to work or writing daily affirmations on sticky notes and posting them on your bathroom mirror.

(I do those things too, and I also make a pretty kick-ass vision board ;))

However, sometimes it takes an outside perspective,

someone with no connection to you, no predetermined outlook on your life to observe and identify where there are gaps in your mindset, your blind spots and your potential.

And that's where I can help.

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Whether you want to--

Improve your


and personal empowerment

Strengthen and create healthy


Reduce your

Fear & Anxiety

Find the


to change...

--whatever the reason may be, 

I can help you build the confidence you need to do just that.

Because whether we realize it or not, true self-confidence is the deciding factor for our actions, our fears and our ambitions.

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Our Core Confidence is the scale that we weigh important decisions we make on and the filter our choices pass through before we decide to act on those decisions.
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Through the process of confidence coaching, together we evaluate from a birds-eye view what you see as your strengths, and use them to identify your blindspots to become the best version of you.
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Whether or not I have the pleasure of

working with you in person

or if you

give one of my online courses a try,

I hope you make the choice to be
a more confident—you.

So...Confidence Coaching. Is this for you?
Let's find out.

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